Project director: Stephen Brown
Co-investigator: Simon Coupland
Research Fellows: David Croft, Jethro Shell, Alexander von Lunen
Separate work packages cover data acquisition, finding matches, displaying links and public profile as well as technical infrastructure. Overall project management and progress are described in the project interim report.
- WP Title
- 1 Management
- 1.1 Staff recruitment and management
- 1.2 Progress meetings
- 1.3 Finance monitoring and reporting
- 1.4 Advisory group recruitment and meetings
- 1.5 Annual report writing
- 2 Dissemination
- 2.1 Press releases
- 2.2 Research papers
- 2.3 Partner events
- 2.4 Web site (Wordpress blog)
- 2.5 Bookmark
- 3 Data acquisition
- 3.1 Review partner collections/select content
- 3.2 Metadata schema selection
- 3.3 Data ingestion
- 3.4 MoU negotiation
- 3.5 New contributor negotiation
- 3.6 Batch loader
- 4 Infrastructure
- 4.1 Hardware/software configuration
- 4.2 Penetration testing
- 4.3 Sustainability
- 5 Data mining
- 5.1 Query expansion
- 5.2 Fuzzy inferencing algorithms
- 5.3 Links database
- 6 Interface
- 6.1 Requirements capture
- 6.2 Mock-up interface designs
- 6.3 Widget implications briefing
- 6.4 Widget implementation agreements with partners
- 6.5 Widget construction
- 6.6 Interface testing
Project partners
- Birmingham City Library
- British Library
- Louvre
- Metropolitan Museum
- Musée d’Orsay
- National Media museum
- St Andrews University
- Victoria and Albert museum
Additional contributors
- Arts & Humanities Research Council
- Brooklyn Museum
- Culture Grid
- Library of Congress
- National Museums Scotland
Advisory committee
Original committee members
- Heather Caven, Head of Collections Management, Victoria and Albert Museum
- Marc Boulay, Photographic Archivist, University of St Andrews Library elected chair
- John Falconer, Lead Curator of Visual Arts, British Library
- Thomas Galifot, Photography Curator, Musée d’Orsay, Paris
- Colin Harding, Curator of Photographic Technology, National Media Museum
- Pete James, Head of Photographs, Birmingham Central Library
- Professor Robert John, Director of the Centre for Computational Intelligence, DMU
- Dominique de Font Reaulx, Conservateur, Musée du Louvre, Paris
- Malcolm Daniel, Curator in Charge, Photography, Metropolitan Museum, New York
- Professor Roger Taylor, Professor Emeritus, Photohistory, DMU
- Stephen Brown ex officio
- Simon Coupland ex officio
Committee members at December 2013
- Susanna Brown, Curator, Photographs, Victoria and Albert Museum
- Marc Boulay, Photographic Archivist, University of St Andrews Library, elected chair
- John Falconer, Lead Curator of Visual Arts, British Library
- Thomas Galifot, Photography Curator, Musée d’Orsay, Paris
- Colin Harding, Curator of Photographic Technology, National Media Museum
- Pete James, Head of Photographs, Birmingham Central Library
- Dominique de Font Reaulx, Conservateur, Musée du Louvre
- Malcolm Daniel, Curator in Charge, Photography, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas
- Professor Roger Taylor, Professor Emeritus, Photohistory, DMU
- Stephen Brown ex offcio
- Simon Coupland ex officio